Bond investments can be an excellent method to increase the return while lowering the danger of capital losses. In addition, it is beneficial when getting close to a financial objective because stock market volatility might quickly lead to losses.
Corporate bonds frequently outperform Treasury bonds issued by the federal government and municipal bonds issued by state and local governments in terms of yields. Therefore, it is essential to know how and where it is profitable to buy corporate bonds.
What are corporate bonds?
A corporate bond is a type of debt security that businesses issue. Corporate bonds offer investors a higher rate of return than ordinary government or private-sector bonds, but they also carry more risk. It is because corporate bonds generally have a longer term than other types of bonds, and their rating is based on the issuer’s creditworthiness, not just the interest rate.
However, corporations are considered reliable and stable institutions, so corporate bonds are also thought a safe investment option.
Note! Corporate bonds are debt securities that corporations issue to raise money.
Buying and selling corporate bonds
When you buy corporate bonds, you lend money to the company that issued them. You will receive interest payments on your investment plus any principal payouts at regular intervals. When you sell corporate bonds, you give back your original investment plus any interest and principal paid out since the purchase.
Risks associated with corporate bonds
Like any other investment, corporate bonds come with risks. The most significant risk is that the company issuing the bond may be unable to pay back its debt obligations. It could happen for several reasons, including financial problems at the company or if interest rates increase and the value of the bond falls below its original purchase price. In addition, corporate bonds can also be affected by market conditions such as inflation and stock prices.
Where to buy corporate bonds?
You can buy corporate bonds in the primary market from brokerage firms, bond traders, and brokers, all of whom charge a commission to facilitate the sale.
Some corporate bonds are traded on the over-the-counter (OTC) market and have fine liquidity. OTC bonds generally sell for $5,000 face value.
Finally, one could try purchasing municipal bonds directly from the issuer or an investment bank specializing in this product type.
Purchasing corporate bonds through a financial institution may have lower commission costs, but the interest rates offered may not be as good as those available online or from independent dealers.
Buying corporate bonds online can offer more flexibility regarding timing and location, but some buyers worry about security and quality issues. Buying municipal bonds directly from the issuer can be cheaper than purchasing them through an investment bank. Still, there is no guarantee that the bond will at least maintain its face value in light of future market conditions.

How do corporate bonds work?
A corporate bond is a loan given to a business for a defined period with an agreed-upon interest rate. In exchange, the company promises to make interest payments (usually twice a year) and to repay the bond’s face value when it matures.
As an illustration, let’s look at a common fixed-rate bond. If you put $1,000 into a bond with a ten-year maturity and a fixed interest rate of 3%, the corporation will pay you $30 every year and return your $1,000 after ten years.
Although fixed-rate bonds are the most popular, there are additional options to take into account, such as:
- Bonds with floating rates, whose interest rates fluctuate based on benchmarks like the U.S. Treasury yield. These, are typically issued by organizations that are regarded as trash bonds or those whose credit ratings are below investment grade.
- Bonds have a zero coupon, which does not pay interest. So, pay less than the total face value, which is the sum the issuer pledges to pay back.
- Convertible bonds allow businesses to compensate investors when a bond matures with common stock rather than cash.
Note! Before investing, learn some basics of corporate bonds: how they are valued, what interest they pay, and whether the risks of losing capital are high.
Key characteristics of corporate bonds
Several key characteristics differentiate corporate bonds from other types of debt securities. These include:
- Corporate bonds usually have longer terms than government or private-sector bonds. It means that they offer investors a higher rate of return but also carry more risk.
- Corporate bonds are rated based on the issuer’s creditworthiness rather than the interest rate. It means they can be riskier than other types of bonds but may offer better returns.
- Larger companies typically issue corporate bonds with more excellent financial stability and reliability – Corporate bonds are typically less liquid than other types of bonds, so they may be more challenging to sell.
- Corporate bonds often have a higher yield (interest payments as a percentage of the investment) than government or private sector bonds.
Note! Bondholders can lay claim to the corporation’s cash and other assets if it goes bankrupt.
How to buy corporate bonds in India?
There are a few ways to buy corporate bonds in India. One option is to go through a broker or mutual fund company, which will be able to offer you a range of different types and terms of the bond. Alternatively, you can directly purchase the bond from the issuer yourself. Do your research before making this decision; it may not be worth investing in high-risk security if other options offer better returns.
As the name implies, bonds are issued by corporate to investors to raise money. A corporate bond is first published on the primary market, where you can buy it, and then it is exchanged on the secondary market. The value and yield of the bond are determined mainly by supply and demand, current interest rates, and liquidity.
How to invest in corporate bonds in India?
There is no one definitive way to invest in corporate bonds in India. Some investors may prefer to purchase bonds issued by large, well-established companies with a track record of paying their debts and consistently making suitable investments. Others may focus on a specific sector or region, investing in company bonds within that particular industry. Numerous brokerages and dedicated websites offer detailed information on each type of corporate bond and how best to invest in them.
The Bottom line
Corporate bonds provide easy-to-predict income while also protecting your cash. Also, investing in corporate bonds is a wise method to diversify your fixed-income portfolio. Their interest can be used as a secondary source of income. Also, bonds can be an excellent option if you have a low-risk tolerance, implying you don’t want to take too much danger with your investments.